Honey Party Current Situation

Hi guys, i didn't have a response from OhMyAi (the delevoper of Honey Party) and it looks like it won't be one at least in a long time i guess. and i received a couple of coments that the game doesn't work in any version of it, i try it for my self and it's true. i'm really sorry for everyone who played the game and were on the discord server, i can't give you even a answer.

I don't know anything about coding or delevoping a game, so i can't give you a solution, the only thing i can do is leave the game file to download and let you know if i receive a response.

If you are a game delevoper, you know how to program or you want to try it. I encourage you continue delevoping the game, either using the original game or making a new one by yourself, i really love the concept of GirlsNightOut/HoneyParty and it would be a shame if it came to nothing, if any one try it, i will support it.

sorry, thats all i can do, thanks for everything and i hope this is not the end. until further notice, WMUZH :)

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